Cuckoo Gin
Signature Gin
Citrus. Floral. Refreshing. Fantastic gin produced in Lancashire by local business Cuckoo gin!
About Cuckoo Gin
Cuckoo Gin is made with ingredients that are locally sourced and grown on their farm in Brindle, in rural Lancashire.
In the distilling process they use fresh spring water from the artesian aquifer in the field next to their distillery.
Product Description
Cuckoo Signature Gin is a complex gin. It has a smooth mouth feel to aid those who like to sip. After a slightly sweet, piney juniper start.
The flavour then develops into citrus from orange, grapefruit and lemons. Also with a lingering taste of cinnamon spice and liquorice.
Their Cuckoo Signature Gin is dry on the finish with a peppery kick from coriander seeds.